About Lisa Houston

I started coming to Ardnamurchan over thirty years ago for holidays and from my first visit, I felt connected to the place.

Since May 2013, I have been lucky enough to live here on a permanent basis and even after all this time, the area has not lost its magic for me and I am still finding new places to explore. This place is in my bones.

Inspiration and ideas for my work come from exploring, observing, and recording, from being in and walking through the landscape and feeling the elements around me.

I live on the edge of Loch Sunart, amidst Corbetts, glens and lochs and not too far from the open sea. I own an energetic spaniel, so there are numerous opportunities to get outside in all weathers. It might be a peaceful wander along the shore or a more strenuous walk in the hills.

I use sketchbooks to record the lines, shapes and colours I see in the landscape. I mostly use pastels, inks and charcoal whilst on my walks as they are easy to carry. Once back in my studio (a converted space above the garage), I refine my sketches and mark-making to record the compositional elements.

I produce finished pieces in oil or mixed media, perhaps using elements from numerous different sketches. I often take photographs when I’m out exploring but never paint from a photographic image.

Photos are more of an aide-mémoire, my visual diary.